Used as a selective medium for yeasts & moulds associated with food spoilage.


Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar is a selective medium used for the enumeration of yeasts and moulds from environmental materials and foodstuffs. The medium is neutral pH to aid in the recovery of acid sensitive strains. Selectivity is achieved by the use of 100 mg of Chloramphenicol per litre. Rose Bengal is taken up by the yeast and mould colonies which helps to control the size of the mould colonies and makes the enumeration of small colonies easier, this also tends to reduce overgrowth of luxuriant species. Because of the range of foodstuff flora encountered, there has been considerable discussion as to the range of antibiotics which can be used. It is generally felt that Chloramphenicol proves to be superior and it’s stability is useful when long and higher than normal incubation temp¬eratures are required.

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100gm, 2500gm, 500gm