A medium employed for the selective isolation of Brochothrix thermosphacta from meat products.


Amyl STAA Agar Base, AM 747, is compounded according to the formulation developed by Gardner1, for the isolation of Brochothrix thermosphacta from meat and meat products.

The medium contains peptones as a source of nitrogen and carbon, yeast extract provides vitamins and growth factors while a phosphate buffering system maintains pH at optimal levels. Glycerol, added prior to autoclaving,is beneficial for the growth of fastidious organisms and Magnesium Sulphate provides a source of sulphate ions. The addition of STAA Supplement, SP 469, after sterilisation, renders the medium selective for the isolation of B.thermosphacta. (Consult TDS for further information regarding Amyl Supplement SP 469)

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100gm, 2500gm, 500gm